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Japan Internship & Job Placement Agreement

Graduation Ceremony 2021

Prithivi Rana | BHM Internship Experience

Anupama Gautam, Batch-10

Chadani Khadka | Hotel Management Alumni Experience

Ratindra Singh | Lock Down Story

Sabita Chettri | Japan Internship | Hotel Management

Kreeti Upreti | My opinion towards MVIC

MVIC wins PATA- Best Student Chapter of the Year Award, 2019

Free Japanese Language Course

Orientation Program at Borderland

Cross Border Program and Sport

Mid Valley Japanese Career

Collaboration with Ledex

MVIC Sport Meet 2018

Welcome Program 2018

Batch 5 Community Service

Flair Bartending

Mud & Music Mayhem 2016

Mud & Music Maythem 2016

Valentine Theme Lunch by MVIC batch 5

Hotel Transylvania

Batch 5 Group A Theme Lunch

Pokhara Trip MVIC Batch 2

Procedure to Verify Exemptions

Procedure to Verify ACCA Exemptions

Boot Camp Mid Valley

Mid Valley Int'l College

Mid Valley Int'l College